COLDCARD – Hardware Wallet - The Most Trusted

COLDCARD is a Canadian-made Bitcoin Signing Device (a.k.a. hardware wallet) that offers dual secure element, verifiable source code, and easy-to-use features. Learn how

The Coldcard Wallet is a hardware wallet designed for storing and managing cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin. Here are some key points about the Coldcard Wallet:

  1. Hardware Security: The Coldcard is a hardware wallet, which means it stores your cryptocurrency offline, providing an extra layer of security compared to online wallets or exchanges.

  2. Air-Gapped Operation: It operates in an air-gapped environment, meaning it is not connected to the internet during the transaction signing process. This helps protect against remote hacking attempts.

  3. Open Source: The Coldcard firmware is open source, allowing the community to review and contribute to its development. This transparency is crucial for ensuring the security of the device.

  4. PIN Protection: Users set up a PIN to access their Coldcard, adding an additional layer of security. The PIN is entered directly on the device.

  5. Compatibility: The Coldcard Wallet is compatible with various wallet software, including Electrum and Wasabi Wallet, providing flexibility in managing your Bitcoin.

  6. MicroSD Card Support: It has a MicroSD card slot, which can be used for secure backup and recovery purposes.

  7. Anti-Phishing Features: The Coldcard includes features to help users verify the authenticity of the device, protecting against phishing attacks.

Remember, when dealing with cryptocurrency wallets, it's crucial to follow best practices for security. Always purchase hardware wallets from reputable sources, keep your recovery seed phrase secure, and stay informed about the latest security practices in the cryptocurrency space.

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